Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

IELTS Task 2 Writing Example 7.5 band score

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way of people live?
Due to tight schedule of work, recent years many people primarily living in industrial city want to spend their time effectively. For this reason, eating considered time-consuming activity should be simpler. Therefore, consuming fast food becomes an option which is preferred by people. Although instant food brings advantage, at the same time it should be noted that it is probably not good for body health as well as worsens people’s habit.
Apropos to the food science, some additional chemical compounds which are frequently added to the food are detected and scientifically proven as insalubrious components. Some of them even are deemed as main caution of occurring several harmful diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. Unfortunately, consumers seem unaware of high health risk that they have to face in the future. They may never think of how it is produced, but what they only know is fast food helps them to live easier, as mentioned in advertisements.
Furthermore, with varieties of junk food, people are perhaps not creative anymore for cooking their food. What kinds of food they want to eat are available in restaurants and food stores. Even restaurants especially refer to for and among men play great role and conceivably have the same rule as wife. Based on this fact, they work instead of wife. Is it called ideal life? Food in my view does not only talk about biological need for nutrition but also seamlessly connect with what people know about food processing and ingredients that they eat everyday.
However, there are arguments that support the instant food lifestyle. This statement proponents propose that it is most likely impossible to prevent people from consuming fast food. It has formed an inseparable life part by which preventive actions are needless. Because of instant food, time problems among workers are solvable. In addition, people nowadays should not be afraid of severe illness because of consuming junk food. Some sophisticated technologies invented by scientists entire the world are completely dependable to maintain people’s health.
In conclusion, eating this food occasionally becomes an inexorable choice. What people can do is how to warn fast food consumers not to eat the food too much. Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is no a technology in the world that totally ensure people’s health.

This writing was proofread by testbig, an online writing tester. To find more IELTS writing examples, I strongly suggest you to visit these sites belajar-ielts dan TEST-English school Pare 

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Salah satu negara miskin mengirim surat kepada FAO-PBB, isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Tuan-tuan, tolonglah kami. Negara kami sedang ditimpa bencana kelaparan... Banyak penduduk kami mati kelaparan. Tolonglah, bantulah kami untuk memecahkan masalah ini."

Seminggu kemudian, datanglah balasan:

"Pemecahannya... Kalau ada rakyat Anda yang kelaparan, beri saja makan secukupnya. Jangan lupa beri vitamin-vitamin yang menyehatkan!"

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