Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

IELTS Task 1 Example Writing

The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
 Data describing the consumer long-lasting products from 1972 to 1983 was surveyed in Britain. This research involved eight products which were used in households.
According to the table, only was television recorded more than 90% and less than 100% during this period. This indicated that television became an inseparable technology for most people in Britain. Different from former one, there was a slight rise occurring in vacuum cleaner, washing machine, and dishwasher. For vacuum cleaner, there was no data shown on the table in 1983, whereas data recording diswasher started in 1978. In addition, video which reached by 18% was only presented in 1983.
On the other hand, the significant increases of durables are central heating, refrigerator, telephone. In central heating use, it doubled in percentage approximately 30% (1972) to 64% (1983). Then, there was a noticeable difference both fridge and telephone. Between 1972 and 1983, the percentage of using fridge grew from 73% to 94%, and increased from 42% to 77% for telephone.  

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Salah satu negara miskin mengirim surat kepada FAO-PBB, isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Tuan-tuan, tolonglah kami. Negara kami sedang ditimpa bencana kelaparan... Banyak penduduk kami mati kelaparan. Tolonglah, bantulah kami untuk memecahkan masalah ini."

Seminggu kemudian, datanglah balasan:

"Pemecahannya... Kalau ada rakyat Anda yang kelaparan, beri saja makan secukupnya. Jangan lupa beri vitamin-vitamin yang menyehatkan!"

Penyejuk Hati

Bukan karena kau diperhatikan maka tingkahlakumu menjadi baik, tetapi karena tingkah lakumu yang baik, maka kau diperhatikan....