Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

IELTS Task 1

The charts below show the levels of participation in education and science in developing and industrialised countries in 1980 and 1990. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
A research describing correlation between education and science role in both developing and industrialised countries. The survey was undertaken in 1980 and 1990. The results were exhibited in these graphs.
Apropos to the first chart, years of schooling in industrialised countries are much longer than in developing countries. Both in 1980 and 1990, the years of schooling in the former countries were more than 8 years. On the other side, years for latter were less than 4 years. In addition, the second graph shows that a number of people taking school in industrialised countries were more than 40.000 people during those periods. Yet, in developing countries, less than 20.000 people had education.
According to the last graph, there was a significant difference of fund spent on research and development. In 1980, industrialised countries spent approximately US $150 billion. It means that its growth doubled in a decade. However, for developing countries, the fund for research and development was less than US $80 billion.
To sum up, based on data presented on three charts, it can be noted that education and science in developing countries was much more dominant than in developing countries.

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Salah satu negara miskin mengirim surat kepada FAO-PBB, isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Tuan-tuan, tolonglah kami. Negara kami sedang ditimpa bencana kelaparan... Banyak penduduk kami mati kelaparan. Tolonglah, bantulah kami untuk memecahkan masalah ini."

Seminggu kemudian, datanglah balasan:

"Pemecahannya... Kalau ada rakyat Anda yang kelaparan, beri saja makan secukupnya. Jangan lupa beri vitamin-vitamin yang menyehatkan!"

Penyejuk Hati

Bukan karena kau diperhatikan maka tingkahlakumu menjadi baik, tetapi karena tingkah lakumu yang baik, maka kau diperhatikan....