Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

IELTS Task 1

The diagram shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather in order to produce reliable forecasts. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
  Australian Bureau of Meteorology use integrated information system to produce precise weather forecasts. The system involves many parts which each of them has specific function because precision in weather forecasts is an inexorable aspect.
Based on the figure, there are four primary stages of forecasting weather, that are, incoming information,  analysis and forecasting, preparing the broadcast, and broadcast. The first information comes from three sources. Satellite creates data which is then converted into satellite photo, and it also sends the information to radar. From radar, the information is transformed to be radar screen and synoptic chart. Same as radar, drifting buoy generates synoptic chart.
Data shown in the chart, screen, and photo are analyzed to compose a prognosis. This part is the most ultimate process to result accurate prediction. Afterwards, broadcast preparation is processed by special-designed computer to ensure that all forecasts are dependable. They are eventually spread to wide people by means of TV newsreader, radio, and recorded announcement.

For more detail examples, find them in this site http://testenglishschool.com/
By Mojiono

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Salah satu negara miskin mengirim surat kepada FAO-PBB, isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Tuan-tuan, tolonglah kami. Negara kami sedang ditimpa bencana kelaparan... Banyak penduduk kami mati kelaparan. Tolonglah, bantulah kami untuk memecahkan masalah ini."

Seminggu kemudian, datanglah balasan:

"Pemecahannya... Kalau ada rakyat Anda yang kelaparan, beri saja makan secukupnya. Jangan lupa beri vitamin-vitamin yang menyehatkan!"

Penyejuk Hati

Bukan karena kau diperhatikan maka tingkahlakumu menjadi baik, tetapi karena tingkah lakumu yang baik, maka kau diperhatikan....