Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

IELTS Task 2

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
            Money has become an integral part in people’s life due to its main functions as a legitimate exchange. When people earn money from their job, sometimes they face a dilemma how to utilize it wisely. It seems easy to overcome the problem, but it is better when they organize their money by using financial management.    
            From psychology view, shopping might possibly have strong correlation to happiness and productivity. In the modern life, almost people are busy to work and reach their best career which provides money for fulfilling both households and private necessities. Spending money, such as shopping in the mall, helps people to have relax mind. It is important for busy workers to keep their mind fresh. Their job in current position requires high concentration, thus it could be reached by means of overwhelming feeling. It eventually supports workers to enhance their job quality.
            In contrast, a reason that nobody knows exactly what will happen influences many people to think twice for using their money earlier. Their future children’s education and health care are the most impressive aspect of life which must be planned meticulously. To ensure their future, people prefer to save their money for future. This is a part of future plan.    
            However, both saving money for future and spending money for new goods are not always viable strategy. Financial management may be a efficacious way to find the best solution. Consulting to right financial consultant could be the first step. Afterwards, the persons need to compose a financial plan describing how much money that have to be allocated based on particular period.        
            Briefly, people could choose which one the most appropriate way for them. Although they have different point of view, the financial management allow them to clear their future plan.

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Salah satu negara miskin mengirim surat kepada FAO-PBB, isi suratnya sebagai berikut:

"Tuan-tuan, tolonglah kami. Negara kami sedang ditimpa bencana kelaparan... Banyak penduduk kami mati kelaparan. Tolonglah, bantulah kami untuk memecahkan masalah ini."

Seminggu kemudian, datanglah balasan:

"Pemecahannya... Kalau ada rakyat Anda yang kelaparan, beri saja makan secukupnya. Jangan lupa beri vitamin-vitamin yang menyehatkan!"

Penyejuk Hati

Bukan karena kau diperhatikan maka tingkahlakumu menjadi baik, tetapi karena tingkah lakumu yang baik, maka kau diperhatikan....